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We are very thankful to our partner churches and those who pray for us as we seek to follow Jesus’ example and do good in the world.

March 2024

Our Prayer to God

Give us grace to be patient with one another, attuned to those in pain and generous to those needing resources not within their reach.

We pray for those who are struggling right now, whether it is due to health problems, financial issues, difficulties in relationships or other forms of struggle like loneliness, disappointment or grief, or more commonly, a combination of these things. Give them comfort and place people in their lives who can support them in their time of need.

Thank you for providing us with the means to renovate Rough Edges, showing that we care for our patrons and volunteers. May we be able to undertake these renovations on time and within our budget.

Grant us all grace to be kinder, more patient and better listeners.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.